Background and purpose. The training of athletes in conditions of limited freedoms (COVID-19 pandemic and martial law in the territory of residence) does not allow for the full training of athletes in team sports. The purpose of the study is to determine the organizational forms and means of training sessions aimed at improving special physical qualities under martial law.
Material and methods. The study involved experienced volleyball players of one team (n=12). Volleyball players live in the territory of martial law (Kharkiv, Ukraine) and the restrictive measures of the COVID-19 pandemic. The experiment was carried out for 6 months in 2022 during martial law in Ukraine. The organization of the training was carried out with an emphasis on independent individual work. Pedagogical testing was carried out. 5 test exercises were used: each volleyball player performed independently. Volleyball players are offered an individual training plan that takes into account: safe living conditions (presence of special shelters – underground metro stations near the place of residence, special shelters, basements of houses, etc.); availability of electricity and means of communication (mobile, Internet); availability of means of life support (drinking water, food).
Results. It was determined that the team is homogeneous only in the test exercise “long jump from a place”. The indicators of the other four tests indicate the heterogeneity of the group of volleyball players. The use of the ZOOM videoconference to monitor the performance of tests by volleyball players under martial law has been substantiated.
Conclusions/ Exercises for the development of certain physical qualities of volleyball players are proposed. Also, schemes of remote self-training are proposed to level the heterogeneity of the group.