Conventional outage management practices in distribution systems are tedious and complex due to the long time taken to locate the fault. Emerging smart technologies and various cloud services offered could be utilized and integrated into the power industry to enhance the overall process, especially in the fault monitoring and normalizing fields in distribution systems. This paper introduces smart fault monitoring and normalizing technologies in distribution systems by using one of the most popular cloud service platforms, the Microsoft Azure Internet of Things (IoT) Hub, together with some of the related services. A hardware prototype was constructed based on part of a real underground distribution system network, and the fault monitoring and normalizing techniques were integrated to form a system. Such a system with IoT integration effectively reduces the power outage experienced by customers in the healthy section of the faulted feeder from approximately 1 h to less than 5 min and is able to improve the System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) and System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) in electric utility companies significantly.