Behavioral intervention targeting speech, language, and communication concerns is an established therapeutic approach for patients with communication concerns across a range of acquired neurogenic disorders. The multidimensional factors that contribute to a person's self-identified communication challenges and strengths in their daily communication needs must be considered to provide functional and person-centered care. While assessments grounded in clinician observation or client self-report exist, there is a direct need for a screening tool that comprehensively evaluates the roles of modality (verbal, text, gesture) and environment (in-person, virtual) on self-reported success across communicative demands. In this study, we describe a preliminary approach to monitoring the progression of receptive and expressive communication skills in people with chronic poststroke aphasia in the context of communication practices of the 21st century, culminating in the development and exploratory implementation of a novel clinical instrument: the Communication Success Screener (COMSS).
Thirty-three participants with aphasia due to stroke were recruited to complete and evaluate the COMSS via an online survey. Quantitative responses and open-ended participant feedback were collected to validate and propose adaptations to the COMSS. Group-level analyses and case presentations were used to highlight COMSS features and outcomes.
Participant responses to the COMSS questionnaire suggest that this screening tool creates differentiated communicative success profiles based on self-report. Participant feedback also indicated that the COMSS appropriately evaluates self-reported success across modalities of verbal, text, and gesture in the context of in-person and virtual environments.
The communication concerns experienced by people with aphasia are often heterogeneous and vary as a function of their daily activities of living, preferred language modalities, and environmental supports. We present preliminary feasibility analyses of the COMSS as a potential tool to support the monitoring of functional change by evaluating self-reported communicative success across form, modality, environment, and task demand.
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