The cellular homologues of the viral anti-apoptotic v-FLIP proteins exist as a long (c-FLIP L ) and a short (c-FLIP S ) splice variant. While c-FLIP S and v-FLIP are composed solely of two death effector domains, c-FLIP L contains an (inactive) caspase-like domain in addition to these two death effector domains, thereby structurally resembling proCaspase-8. Both c-FLIP L and c-FLIP S suppress apoptosis by inhibiting Caspase-8 activation, although at different levels of pro-Caspase-8 processing. To analyze the consequences of deregulated c-FLIP S expression in vivo, we established lck FLIP Stransgenic mice overexpressing the transgene in thymocytes and in mature T cells. As expected, CD95L-induced apoptosis was impaired in lck FLIP S -transgenic T cells, indicating the functionality of the FLIP S transgene. Remarkably, activation-induced cell death of transgenic T cells was unaffected, despite the observed inhibition of CD95-induced T cell death. Thymic and splenic cell numbers as well as CD4/CD8 cellularity were normal in lck FLIP S -transgenic animals, which in contrast to CD95-deficient mice do not accumulate Thy1 + B220 + CD4 -CD8 -peripheral T cells. c-FLIP S overexpression leads to a significant decrease in activation-induced T cell proliferation in vitro. Despite the capacity of FLIP S to inhibit CD95-induced apoptosis, T cell lymphomagenesis is not observed in lck FLIP S -transgenic mice. Interestingly, the Vb8 + memory T cell pool is enlarged upon staphylococcal enterotoxin B injections, suggesting a specific in vivo function for FLIP S in the maintenance of restimulated T cells.
IntroductionAmong many anti-apoptotic regulatory proteins, the Caspase-8-inhibitory FLIP molecule has been studied intensively. Originally detected in different viruses, c-FLIP was eventually identified as the cellular homologue of the v-FLIP proteins ([1, 2] and references herein). Several spliced isoforms of c-FLIP have been characterized, two of which are expressed as proteins: c-FLIP L , the full-length 55-kDa form of c-FLIP, comprises two Nterminal death effector domains (DED) and an enzymatically inactive caspase domain, thereby structurally resembling . c-FLIP S is a shorter 26-kDa form of c-FLIP and, like v-FLIP, contains only the two DED.A functional pro-apoptotic death-inducing signaling complex (DISC) is usually assembled by recruitment of the adaptor protein FADD to the activated CD95 receptor via death domain interactions [3]. Due to binding of their DED, FADD then associates Caspase-8
Molecular immunologyThe first two authors contributed equally to this work. [2,5]. Recruitment of both c-FLIP L and c-FLIP S to the activated intracellular CD95 receptor complex by FADD has been demonstrated, and both proteins are able to inhibit CD95-induced apoptosis as well as cell death mediated by other death receptors [6]. It has even been suggested that c-FLIP S rather than c-FLIP L may be the prime inhibitor of CD95-mediated apoptosis in T cells [7]. Nevertheless, a recent study showed that whereas high levels of c-FLIP L o...