DOI: 10.1111/cup.13052
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Pleomorphic fibroma of the skin with MDM2 immunoreactivity: A potential diagnostic pitfall

Abstract: Pleomorphic fibroma is a rare benign cutaneous neoplasm characterized by spindle-shaped cells and multinucleated giant cells scattered throughout collagenous stroma. These morphologic features can lead to diagnostic confusion, including atypical lipomatous tumor as one consideration. In contrast to atypical lipomatous tumor, previous studies have found pleomorphic fibroma to be negative for MDM2 immunohistochemical staining and MDM2 gene amplification. Here, we present a case of pleomorphic fibroma of skin wit… Show more

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Cited by 8 publications
(11 citation statements)
References 21 publications
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“…Genomic analysis aids in characterizing the relationships between pleomorphic fibromas and other tumors and has even been used as a diagnostic tool in Tashakori et al's 13 case. However, because of the expense of genomic analysis and the benign nature of pleomorphic fibromas, histopathologic features remain the gold standard for diagnosis.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Genomic analysis aids in characterizing the relationships between pleomorphic fibromas and other tumors and has even been used as a diagnostic tool in Tashakori et al's 13 case. However, because of the expense of genomic analysis and the benign nature of pleomorphic fibromas, histopathologic features remain the gold standard for diagnosis.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…11,12 All 15 pleomorphic fibromas demonstrated negative immunoreactivity for MDM2, and the subset analyzed for MDM2 gene amplification found no evidence of amplification. Tashakori et al 13 also analyzed a case of pleomorphic fibroma with immunohistochemical staining for MDM2 and MDM2 gene amplification through FISH. Unlike the pleomorphic fibromas from Al-Zaid et al, 10 this case showed negative MDM2 gene amplification through FISH, but positive staining for MDM2.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…However, AFX has low-grade malignant potential and never invades the subcutaneous fat, lymphovascular, or peri-neural areas-unlike pleomorphic dermal sarcoma. Moreover, AFX rarely metastasizes [ 1 , 2 , 4 , 6 ]. Similar to PF and AFX, pleomorphic dermal sarcoma cells react positively to CD68.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Fibrohistiocytic and melanocytic tumours with cellular pleomorphism should be considered in the differential diagnosis of PF. Atypical fibroxanthoma and pleomorphic dermal sarcoma generally exhibit higher cellularity with frequent mitotic figures, higher cell pleomorphism and often contain xanthomatous cells . Moreover, atypical forms of dermatofibroma, such as dermatofibroma with atypical cells or monster cells are characterized by epithelial hyperplasia and stromal hypercellularity and by the presence of foam cells and of haemosiderin‐laden macrophages that sometimes stain positive for CD68 but negative for CD34 (positive in PF) .…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Owing to the adipose component of FPs, skin atypical lipomatous tumours should also be included in the differential diagnosis. To differentiate them, immunohistochemical staining and FISH in studies of MDM2 (Mouse double minute 2 homologue, overexpressed in atypical lipomatous tumours) have been proposed; FISH has higher specficity . Other adipose S‐100‐positive neoplasms should be taken into account: sclerotic lipoma, a lipoma variant with adipocytes interspersed between a whorled fibrotic stroma; pleomorphic liposarcoma, a rare variant of liposarcoma characterized by pleomorphic lipoblasts; and finally, pleomorphic lipoma, a benign entity that shares with PF the features of negative immunostaining and loss of expression of Rb1 on fluorescence in situ hybridization.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%