This article explores the importance of early detection and systematic monitoring of pregnant women with preeclampsia at the stage of consultation in the antenatal clinic, management of labor and the postpartum period. The authors, based on their experience working at City Clinical Hospital No. 52 in Moscow, consider the features of diagnosing this complication, methods for monitoring the condition of patients and effective pregnancy management strategies to prevent possible complications (such as eclampsia and HELLP syndrome). The main emphasis of the article is on the importance of prenatal screening, regular assessment of blood pressure, protein levels in the urine and other clinical indicators during observations at the prehospital stage and in the departments of the maternity hospital. The results and recommendations obtained provide valuable information for healthcare institutions and medical personnel monitoring and managing pregnant women at risk of developing preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is one of the most dangerous complications of pregnancy, which can lead to irreversible consequences for the mother and fetus. One of the key factors for success in the treatment of preeclampsia is early detection and dynamic monitoring of patients at all stages of pregnancy. This article presents aspects of identifying preeclampsia at the stage of antenatal clinic, maternity hospital and the role of midwives in this process.