Atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons during the period 1945-1980 ushered in the 'atomic age' and released large quantities of anthropogenic radiogenic nuclides into the atmosphere. These radionuclides were subsequently deposited as fallout to the entire surface of the planet. While many have decayed to negligible levels, long-lived radionuclides persist and will do so for thousands of years. Isotopes of plutonium, 239 Pu (half-life 24 100 years) and 240 Pu (half-life 6563 years), provide the best chronological markers for the onset of this anthropogenic event both now and into the future due to their long half-lives, particle-reactivity, and the fact that they were present in negligible quantities prior to anthropogenic production and release. Chronostratigraphic markers established by distinct Pu concentration profiles and Pu isotope changes in sediment sequences and ice and coral cores can provide high-resolution dating over the last 60 years. However, even though fallout has ceased, it is found that the Pu inventory currently held in surface soil layers and the oceans will continue to supply Pu to sediment deposition zones for millennia and centuries, respectively. The delivery of this Pu will depend on soil erosion and bioturbation rates, and the rate of removal of dissolved Pu from the ocean.The discovery and practical implementation of nuclear fission at Los Alamos in the 1940s lead to the onset of the 'atomic age' and the associated staged release of radiogenic nuclides into the Earth's biosphere. The release processes were initially mostly unrestrained, via testing of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere, but later included releases from other sources such as underground nuclear testing, nuclear weapons fabrication, nuclear fuel reprocessing and radioisotope production, and included both controlled and uncontrolled (accidental) releases. These episodes released anthropogenic radioactivity into the environment through a variety of pathways, and with different release histories.Some of the radionuclides released were already present in the environment prior to the onset of anthropogenic production, but many were not or were present in only trace quantities. For those nuclides which have persisted in the environment over the last few decades, i.e. those with radioactive half