It is pointed out that important contributions to neutrino masses and mixing can come from flavor violating slepton exchange. For low and intermediate tan  such effects can dominate over the usual tau Yukawa coupling effects included in renormalization group evolution. The mixing angles satisfy then a relation different from the fixed point solution of the renormalization group equation, and the desired neutrino mass splitting can be generated.PACS number͑s͒: 14.60. Pq, 14.60.St, 12.60.Jv Observation of atmospheric ͓1͔ and solar neutrinos ͓2͔ provides important indications that neutrinos oscillate between different mass eigenstates. If we leave out the not yet confirmed Liquid Scintillation Neutrino Dectector ͑LSND͒ result ͓3͔, the atmospheric and solar neutrino oscillations can be explained in terms of three known flavors of neutrinos. We have then ͉⌬m 2 ͉ϵ͉m 2 2 Ϫm 1 2 ͉Ϸ5ϫ10 Ϫ5 , 5ϫ10 Ϫ6 , or 10 Ϫ10 eV 2 for the large angle Mikheyev-SmirnovWolfenstein ͑LAMSW͒, small angle matter conversion ͑SAMSW͒, or vacuum oscillation ͑VO͒ solution to the solar neutrino problem, respectively, and ͉⌬M 2 ͉ϵ͉m 3 2 Ϫm 2 2 ͉Ϸ5 ϫ10 Ϫ3 eV 2 for the atmospheric neutrino oscillation. Moreover, combining the information on the solar and atmospheric neutrino mixing angles with the nonobservation of the disappearance of e in the reactor experiment ͓4͔, for each solution ͑LAMSW, SAMSW, VO͒ to the solar neutrino problem we can infer the gross pattern of the 3ϫ3 neutrino mixing matrix