Introduction:Pneumoscrotum is a rare condition manifested by the accumulation of gas in the scrotum. Two conditions are included under the term of pneumoscrotum, palpable scrotal emphysema, and pneumoatocele. Pneumoscrotal emphysema has many etiologies, one of them is due to thoracic cage trauma, after a chest tube insertion or any other cardiothoracic procedures, causing pneumothorax and pneumoperitoneum.
Case report:We report the case of a 2-year old boy who was admitted to the hospital for productive cough with signs of respiratory insufficiency on physical examination. An X-ray followed by a CT scan were obtained, and bilateral pleural effusion along with consolidation were disclosed. A chest tube was inserted to improve the vital signs of the patient; however, a subcutaneous emphysema of the scrotum developed caused by pneumothorax.
Conclusion:Pneumoscrotal emphysema is a self limited condition, defined as accumulation of air within the scrotum. The etiological factor must be understood in order to start the proper management and treatment.