For the first time we present the direct evidence for superconductivity in the ternary magnetic compound YFe 4 Al 8 with the ThMn 12 type structure found via point-contact (PC) experiments on contacts between silver needle and single-crystal YFe 4 Al 8 , revealing the distinct Andreev-reflection current. The spectra measured prove the existence of normal-superconducting interface and exhibit the triangular-like shape in a vicinity of zero-bias voltage, inferring the unconventional type of superconductivity. The derived dependences of the order parameter versus temperature ∆(T) and magnetic field ∆(H) are presented. ∆(T) follows BCS theory, whereas ∆(H) do not satisfy any theoretical predictions. In some cases there exists noticeable superconductivity enhancement by a weak magnetic field. The data obtained imply the very inhomogeneous distribution of superconductivity over the sample volume in spite of its single crystal structure. We assume that the reason is associated with inherent magnetic inhomogeneities of this material. The highest values for the critical temperature T c , upper critical magnetic field H c2 , and ratio 2∆(0)/kT c are 7.4 K, 5 T, and 7.2, respectively. [3]. In this work we give, for the first time, the direct evidence for the existence of superconductivity in the rare-earth ternary magnetic compound YFe 4 Al 8 in an Andreevreflection experiment.The family of ternary magnetic compounds ReM 4 Al 8 (Re is a rare earth, M is a transition metal) with the ThMn 12 type structure is known for about two decade and their physical properties have been investigated extensively [4][5][6]. However, weak signs of superconductivity in some of the compounds belonging to this family were discovered only recently in the radio-frequency impedance and heat capacity experiments [7,8]. This is very surprising, because the compounds of this type have a