ITik report wispreptMd ai a« iccovnt of work nwnwrad by the UnHad Stite* CcveriunMt-Nallhct tht UsHed SU'ft aor Xhm Vnifd SMm t*trfy RuKirch and Development MaiihtntioTi, not »pv of their cmployect, *» «ny of their eontrtcto»i Hbcontracton, or their 'inykyeet, irnkw my wirnnty, cxpnn or implied, 'or jttaumea my legal fiibtfly or rttpo vfbllty for the icciuacyt completenesc ot uitftitaea of iny inrormation, ipptnlu*. product or noceu tlifdoied, or refttiMfiU that iti UK would not taftinge printdy ownedrlihtt.