Abstract.For 1 < s < oo and crescents ' G, with harmonic measure co, the author examines the collection of bounded point evaluations, bpe{Ps(a>)), (resp. analytic bounded point evaluations, abpe(/>i(w)) ) for polynomials with respect to the Ls(w) norm. If the polynomials are dense in the generalized Hardy space HS(G), then bpe(Ps(co)) = abpe(/>J(w)) = G (Theorem 4). If the polynomials are not dense in HS(G), then (with a mild restriction on dG) bpe(Ps(a>)) = abpe(/"(«)) = intiG*) (Theorem 7).If G is a crescent, oe = co(-,G,z0) denotes harmonic measure for G at some z0 in G, and 1 < s < oo, then what is the collection of bounded [resp. analytic bounded] point evaluations for polynomials with respect to the Ls(oe) norm? Questions of this sort, phrased in terms of area measure rather than harmonic measure, have been answered by James Brennan [2]. While some of the techniques used in the area measure case have application to our problem, for the most part, new approaches are required in the context of harmonic measure.1. Notation. If G is a bounded Dirichlet region (open) in the complex plane and z0 G G, then let p(-,G,z0) (or v(-,G,z0) etc.) denote harmonic measure for G at z0 .2. Definition. A crescent is a region (open) in the complex plane bounded by two Jordan curves which intersect in a single point (the multiple boundary point) such that one of the curves is internal to the other.For any crescent G, let QG denote the bounded component of the complement of G (the closure of G), ¿^G = 0(0*) and d0G = dGXd^G (where G* denotes the poly normally convex hull of the closure of G). Notice that d0G is the "inner boundary" of G with the multiple boundary point deleted.