Recently, a uniform version of this theorem was proved by Dimitrov-Gao-Habegger [DGH1] and Kühne [Kuh]. In fact, the new gap principle in [Gao2, Thm. 4.1], as a combination of [DGH1, Prop. 7.1] and [Kuh, Thm. 3], asserts that there are constants c 1 , c 2 > 0 depending only on g > 1 such that for any projective and smooth curve C over Q of genus g, and for anyHere h Fal (C) = h Fal (J) denotes the stable Faltings height of the Jacobian variety J.The new gap principle has a significant consequence to the uniform Mordell-Lang problem proposed by Mazur [Maz, pp.234]. Recall that the Mordell conjecture was proved by Faltings [Fal1], and a different proof was given by Vojta [Voj]. Vojta's proof was simplified and extended by Faltings [Fal2] to prove the Mordell-Lang conjecture for subvarieties of abelian varieties, and was further simplified by Bombieri [Bom] in the original case of curves. The proofs of [Voj,Fal2,Bom] actually gave an upper bound of the number of points of large heights, which was further refined by de Diego [dDi] and Rémond [Rem]. Combining the upper bound with the new gap principle, we obtain the uniform bound on the number of rational points in [Kuh, Thm. 4], which asserts that there is a constant c > 0 depending only on g > 1 such that for any projective and smooth curve C of genus g over an algebraically closed field F of characteristic 0, for any y ∈ C(F ), and for any subgroup Γ ⊂ J(F ) of finite rank,Our first result is the following uniform version of the Bogomolov conjecture, which strengthens and generalizes the new gap principle of [DGH1,Kuh].Theorem 1.1 (Theorem 4.6). Let K be either the field Q or the field k(t) for a field k. Let g > 1 be a positive integer. There are constants c 1 , c 2 > 0 depending only on g such that for any projective and smooth curve C over K of genus g, and for any line bundle α ∈ Pic(C) of degree 1, with the extra assumption that (C, α) is non-isotrivial over k in the case K = k(t), one has