Matching points are the direct data sources of the fundamental matrix, camera parameters, and point cloud calculation. Thus, their uncertainty has a direct influence on the quality of image-based 3D reconstruction and is dependent on the number, accuracy, and distribution of the matching points. This study mainly focuses on the uncertainty of matching point distribution. First, horizontal dilution of precision (HDOP) is used to quantify the feature point distribution in the overlapping region of multiple images. Then, the quantization method is constructed. H D O P ∗ ¯ , the average of 2 × arctan ( H D O P × n 5 − 1 ) / π on all images, is utilized to measure the uncertainty of matching point distribution on 3D reconstruction. Finally, simulated and real scene experiments were performed to describe and verify the rationality of the proposed method. We found that the relationship between H D O P ∗ ¯ and the matching point distribution in this study was consistent with that between matching point distribution and 3D reconstruction. Consequently, it may be a feasible method to predict the quality of 3D reconstruction by calculating the uncertainty of matching point distribution.