Autonomous Driving Vehicle (ADV) services have become a prominent motif in intelligent vehicle technology by adapting deep learning features. Automated driverless services are a hercules task due to the dynamic driving environment and the performance is deliberately reliant on the quality of data fusion from sensors. Therefore, considering advanced 3D LiDAR sensors is essential to measure the surrounding with 360 • coverage. However, accomplishing maximum autonomy is the main challenge because of debilitated and complex driving environmenst. Deep Learning (DL) based models potentially impact surrounding measures for object detection, classification, and tracking. This study describes the importance of DL-LiDAR strategies to formulate ADV research challenges followed by a comprehensive analysis of Semantic Segmentation, Data Fusion, Data Representation, Feature Extraction, Dynamic Object Detection, and Autonomous Driving-Multi-Objective Tracking mechanisms. Unlike existing review papers, we examine various deep learning influenced approaches and describe their precarious measurements. Also, we analyze the impact of systematic methods based on open-source data sets for objectx (x=classification, localization, tracking) consolidation. Most of the summaries confine scalability, and feasibility of DL techniques in ADV to accomplish an intelligent driving system without human interference. Open research problems are discussed in the last section of the article.