ABSTRACT. The paper presents a pointwise density topology with respect to admissible σ-algebras on the real line. The properties of such topologies, including the separation axioms, are studied.
PreliminariesLet R be the set of reals, N the set of positive integer numbers and Q the set of rational numbers. By λ we shall denote the Lebesgue measure over R. The capitals L and L denote the σ-algebra of Lebesgue measurable sets on R and the σ-ideal of Lebesgue null sets. Let T nat be the natural topology on R. If T is a topology on R, then we fix the notation:
B(T ) − σ-algebra of all Borel sets with respect to T, B a (T ) − σ-algebra of all sets having the Baire property with respect to T, K(T ) − σ-ideal of all meager sets with respect to T.If T = T nat , then we use the following short form symbols: B, B a , K. Let A stand for the complement of A in R. By χ A we shall denote the characteristic function of a set A ⊂ R.
IntroductionRecall that x 0 ∈ R is a density point of the set A ∈ L if and only if