This paper deals with a priori pointwise error estimates for the finite element solution of boundary value problems with Neumann boundary conditions in polygonal domains. Due to the corners of the domain, the convergence rate of the numerical solutions can be lower than in case of smooth domains. As a remedy the use of local mesh refinement near the corners is investigated. In order to prove quasi-optimal a priori error estimates regularity results in weighted Sobolev spaces are exploited. This is the first work on the Neumann boundary value problem where both the regularity of the data is exactly specified and the sharp convergence order h 2 |ln h| in the case of piecewise linear finite element approximations is obtained. As an extension we show the same rate for the approximate solution of a semilinear boundary value problem. The proof relies in this case on the supercloseness between the Ritz projection to the continuous solution and the finite element solution.In the next lemma we show local error estimates in the L ∞ -norm.Proof. Let us first consider the case J < I − 2. From Theorem 10.1 and Example 10.1 in [31] the estimatecan be derived. Estimate (3.10) in case of 2 ≤ J < I − 2 follows from (3.11) and (3.7) with p = ∞ exploiting γ ≤ 2 − 2µ, which providesFor the case J = I, I − 1, I − 2 we use the triangle inequality(3.12)The first term on the right-hand side can be treated with (3.9), taking into account the relation 2 − γ ≥ 2µ. This impliesWe estimate the second term on the right-hand side of (3.12) by applying the inverse inequality from Lemma 6, and getFinally, using (3.8) with p = ∞ we obtain d −1 J y − I h y L 2 (Ω J ) ≤ cd −1 J h (3−γ)/µ |y| W 2,∞ γ (Ω J ) ≤ ch 2 |y| W 2,∞ γ (Ω J ) ,