“…These symptoms have led to the common name of dumb cane (Sloane, 1707): "If one Cut this cane with a Knife, and put the tip of the Tongue to it, it makes a very painful Sensation, and occasions such a very great irritation on the salivary Ducts, that they presently swell, so that the person cannot speak, and do nothing for some time but void Spittle in a great degree, or Salivate, which in some time goes off, in this doing in a greater degree, what European Arum does in a lesser, and from this its quality, and being jointed this Arum is called Dumb-Cane". Other common names are no less sinister: Comida de Culebra (Costa Rica), Hoja de Puerco (Honduras), Giftiger Aron (Germany), and the English Poisonous Arum (Barnes and Fox, 1955 ). Even in non-fatal cases, severe corrosive bums occur in the mouth, larynx, esophagus, and stomach.…”