Background: One of the most common medical emergencies worldwide is deliberate or accidental poisoning. The ever-increasing consumption of toxins and fatal drugs is getting more critical by the time. The purpose of intentional poisoning is to harm self and others. It includes objectives like robbery, sexual abusing (rape). The perpetrators of sedative and hypnotic drugs could sedate patients and make them sleepy. Methods: This descriptive, cross-sectional study investigated the suspected Drug-Facilitated Crime (DFC) admitted patients and Outpatient Department (OPD) in the emergency room and toxicology ward. A researcher-made questionnaire was completed for each patient. The biological samples (urine, blood) were provided to a clinical toxicology lab. Results: The information of 40 suspected DFC patients was analyzed. 70% of intoxicated patients were men, and 30% were women. The patients’ mean age was 31-43 years; 42% were low in education, and 37% were self-employed. Furthermore, 75% of total intoxicated patients had a sedentary level of consciousness. Approximately 92.5% had one positive substance test, and 7.5% had negative lab test results. The most used drug was diazepam, by 70%. The motivation for poisoning was 80% robbery, 12.5% for rape, and 7.5% were no diagnostic. Conclusion: The prevalence of poisoning, especially deliberate poisoning, is dramatically growing in this part of the world. Accordingly, this study reveals the flexibility of criminals in Tehran Province, Iran. Thus, the Ministry of Health should seriously control legal and illegal drugs purchase.