Based on a recently developed procedure to construct Poisson-Hopf deformations of Lie-Hamilton systems [4], a novel unified approach to nonequivalent deformations of Lie-Hamilton systems on the real plane with a Vessiot-Guldberg Lie algebra isomorphic to sl(2) is proposed. This, in particular, allows us to define a notion of Poisson-Hopf systems in dependence of a parameterized family of Poisson algebra representations. Such an approach is explicitly illustrated by applying it to the three non-diffeomorphic classes of sl(2) Lie-Hamilton systems. Our results cover deformations of the Ermakov system, Milne-Pinney, Kummer-Schwarz and several Riccati equations as well as of the harmonic oscillator (all of them with t-dependent coefficients). Furthermore t-independent constants of motion are given as well. Our methods can be employed to generate other Lie-Hamilton systems and their deformations for other Vessiot-Guldberg Lie algebras and their deformations. 1