We show that generalized broken fibrations in arbitrary dimensions admit rank-2 Poisson structures compatible with the fibration structure. After extending the notion of wrinkled fibration to dimension 6 we prove that these wrinkled fibrations also admit compatible rank-2 Poisson structures. In the cases with indefinite singularities we can provide these wrinkled fibrations in dimension 6 with near-symplectic structures.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 57R17, 53D17. after combining the definition of generalized bLf [19] together with the results of [6] and [10] on Poisson structures. Theorem 1.1. Let M and X be closed oriented smooth manifolds with dim(M ) = 2n, dim(X) = 2n − 2, and f : M → X a generalized broken Lefschetz fibration. Then there is a complete singular Poisson structure of rank 2 whose associated bivector vanishes on the singularity set of f . If none of its symplectic leaves are, or contain, 2-spheres, then this Poisson structure is integrable.The proof of this theorem is a direct application of Theorem 2.11 and the definition of completeness. The integrability condition is verified in the relevant cases, as explained in 2.4.In section 3 we focus on the Poisson structure on the total space of a generalized wrinkled fibration in dimension 6. We give the general steps for buidling Poisson bivectors around all types of singularities of corank 1, which can be applied on any given dimension. This idea allows us to show the following. Theorem 1.2. Let M be a closed, orientable, smooth 6-manifold equipped with a generalized wrinkled fibration f : M → X over a smooth 4-manifold X. Then there exists a complete Poisson structure whose symplectic leaves correspond to the fibres of the given fibration structure, and the singularities of both the fibration and the Poisson structures coincide. Moreover, for each singularity, the Poisson bivector and induced symplectic form on the leaves are given by the following equations:Folds: 13) If none of its symplectic leaves are, or contain, 2-spheres, then this Poisson structure is integrable.The existence of a Poisson structure with the stated properties follows from Theorem 2.11, previously shown by the first and third named authors together with García-Naranjo [10]. The proof of this theorem follows from an application of Theorem 2.11 and the definition of completeness.These results allow us to present in section 2.5.1 countably many examples of Poisson structures on the same underlying smooth manifold that are Morita inequivalent. In our examples the leaves of the symplectic foliations change topology, as the fibrations involved undergo deformations.In section 3, the local models for the bivectors are shown to hold true. Then in section 4 we prove that the local models for the symplectic forms on the leaves are also the claimed ones.Finally, in section 5 we turn to near-symplectic geometry. Explicit models of near-symplectic forms have appeared in previous work [11,1,14,19]. Here we show a further construction of local near-symplectic forms that follows a...