The coupling of two macroscopic quantum states through a tunnel barrier gives rise to Josephson phenomena 1 such as Rabi oscillations 2 , the a.c. and d.c. effects 3 , or macroscopic self-trapping, depending on whether tunnelling or interactions dominate 4 . Nonlinear Josephson physics was first observed in superfluid helium 5 and atomic condensates 6,7 , but it has remained inaccessible in photonic systems because it requires large photon-photon interactions. Here we report on the observation of nonlinear Josephson oscillations of two coupled polariton condensates confined in a photonic molecule formed by two overlapping micropillars etched in a semiconductor microcavity 8 . At low densities we observe coherent oscillations of particles tunnelling between the two sites. At high densities, interactions quench the transfer of particles, inducing the macroscopic self-trapping of polaritons in one of the micropillars 9,10 . The finite lifetime results in a dynamical transition from self-trapping to oscillations with π phase. Our results open the way to the experimental study of highly nonlinear regimes in photonic systems, such as chaos 11-13 or symmetry-breaking bifurcations 14,15 .A bosonic Josephson junction is a device in which two macroscopic ensembles of bosons, each of them occupying a single quantum state, are coupled by a tunnel barrier. The system can be described by the following coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations 1 :where ψ L,R are the bosonic wavefunctions with particle densities |ψ L,R | 2 localized to the left (L) and to the right (R) of the barrier, E 0 L,R is the single particle energy of the quantum states, U is the particle-particle interaction strength and J is the tunnel coupling constant. In the absence of interactions, equations (1a) and (1b) can be diagonalized in a basis of bonding (). An initial state prepared in a linear combination of these two (for instance, all particles in the left site) will result in density oscillations between the two sites. This is the main principle of the bosonic Josephson effect, which manifests in an ensemble of oscillatory regimes. In the absence of interactions, sinusoidal oscillations take place 4,7 with a frequencȳ Josephson physics shows the most spectacular phenomena in the nonlinear regime, when the interaction energy (U |ψ| 2 ) is greater than the coupling J . The transfer of particles from one site to the other gives rise to a dynamical renormalization of the energy in each site, resulting in anharmonic oscillations. If interactions are strong enough (U |ψ| 2 J ), the self-induced energy renormalization quenches the tunnelling, and most of the particles remain localized in one of the sites. This out of equilibrium metastable regime is called macroscopic quantum self-trapping.A number of bosonic systems have demonstrated Josephson physics. Harmonic oscillations in the linear regime have been observed in superconductor junctions 2 or in nanoscale apertures connecting superfluid helium vessels 5 . Bose-Einstein condensates of ultracold atoms in cou...