A recently developed method of spherulitic crystallization was used for the preparation of highly
ordered 80 nm thin films of the dye 1.7-bis(dimethylamino)heptamethinium perchlorate (BDH+ClO4
Depending on the crystallization temperature, the film color and surface topography varied widely, while the
crystal structure and film thickness remained the same. At low undercooling, two homogeneous regions were
obtained. One showed in-plane symmetrical and the other asymmetrical growth behaviors. At high undercooling,
a banded spherulitic structure with rainbow-like colors developed, whose formation is attributed to the out-of-plane asymmetrical growth. The spherulitic growth kinetics, microstructure, and optical properties were
investigated by optical microscopy, atomic force, and scanning tunneling microscopy in static and real time
mode. A molecular mechanism is proposed which originates from different directions of macroscopic growth
and microscopic molecular attachment dictated by the three-dimensional crystal lattice. This mechanism is
consistent with the optical spectra and surface topography observed. This mechanism explains the exposure of
different crystal faces, asymmetrical molecular attachment, fluctuation in growth rate, film thickness, and
viscosity in the amorphous phase. Understanding the molecular origins of J-aggregation in thin dye films
allows one to control and manipulate the film color almost in the whole visible wavelength range.