The regulation of thyroperoxidase (TPO) expression and of its intracellular distribution was studied in porcine thyroid cells cultured on porous bottom filters. Cells were cultured for 18 days in the absence or in the presence of thyrotropin (TSH) and with or without iodide. Microsomes were purified and analyzed by electrophoresis. TPO was detected by immunoblotting with polyclonal anti-porcine TPO antibodies and quantified by scanning the bands. The amount of TPO was increased 2-fold by TSH. High concentrations of iodide (1-50 microM, added daily) decreased the level of TPO. Confocal microscopy served to determine the intracellular localization of TPO and its quantitative distribution. Intracellular and surface-located TPO was detected by fluorescein-labeled antibodies on saponin-treated cells. Quantitative confocal microscopy showed that TSH increased the total amount of TPO 2-fold as for immunoblotting. The highest amount of TPO was found in the perinuclear area and between the nucleus and the Golgi apparatus. Only 4% of TPO was present on the apical surface and about 1% on the basolateral membrane; the remainder (about 95%) was inside the cells. TSH did not change these relative contents. TSH modified the intracellular distribution of the enzyme, increasing the TPO pool from the perinuclear area to apical membrane. This domain could be a site of storage of TPO. Adding a physiological concentration of iodide (0.5 microM, daily) did not influence the intracellular distribution of TPO. We concluded that chronic TSH stimulation 1) increased 2-fold the pool of TPO but did not change the relative proportion of TPO inside the cells and on the apical surface, and 2) modified the intracellular distribution of vesicular TPO, the major part of which was accumulated in the perinuclear and cytoplasmic area under the subapical domain of the polarized cells.