The recently developed method combining the configuration interaction and the coupled-cluster method was demonstrated to provide accurate treatment of correlation corrections in divalent atomic systems [M. S. Safronova, M. G. Kozlov, and C. W. Clark, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 143006 (2011)]. We have extended this approach to the calculation of quadrupole polarizabilities α2 and applied it to evaluate α2 for the ground state of Mg and Mg-like Si 2+ . Performing the calculations in three different approximations of increasing accuracy allowed us to place the upper bounds on the uncertainty of the final results. The recommended values α2(3s 2 1 S0) = 35.86(13) a.u. for Si 2+ and α2(3s 2 1 S0) = 814(3) a.u. for Mg are estimated to be accurate to 0.37%. Differences in quadrupole polarizability contributions in neutral Mg and Si 2+ ion are discussed.