Articles you may be interested in Alteration of gas phase ion polarizabilities upon hydration in high dielectric liquids J. Chem. Phys. 139, 044907 (2013) This article presents a method for solving the polarizability of a dielectric hemispherical object as a function of its relative electric permittivity. The polarizability of a hemisphere depends on the direction of the exciting electric field. Therefore, the polarizability can be written as a dyadic consisting of two components, the axial and the transversal polarizabilities, which can be solved separately. The solution is based on an analytical approach where the electrostatic potential function is written as a series expansion. However, no closed-form solution for the coefficients of the series is found, so they must be solved from a matrix equation. This method provides very high accuracy. However, it requires construction of large matrices which consumes both time and memory. Therefore, approximative expressions for the polarizabilities with absolute error less than 10 −5 are also presented.