It is suggested that proton elastic scattering on atomic electrons allows a precise measurement of the proton charge radius. Very small values of transferred momenta (up to four order of magnitude smaller than the ones presently available) can be reached with high probability.
PACS numbers:The problem of the proton size has been recently object of large interest, due to the recent experiment on muonic hydrogen by laser spectroscopy measurement of the νp(2S-2P) transition frequency [1]. The result on the proton charge radius r c = 0.84184(67) obtained in this experiment is one order of magnitude more precise but smaller by five standard deviation compared to the best value previously assumed r c = 0.8768(69) fm [2] (CODATA). Previous best measurements include techniques based on H spectroscopy, which are more precise, but compatible with electron proton elastic scattering at small values of the four momentum transfer squared Q 2 . The most recent result from electron proton elastic scattering, r c = 0.879(5) stat (4) syst (2) model (4) group fm, can be found in Ref. [3].While corrections to the laser spectroscopy experiments seem well under control in frame of QED and may be estimated with a precision better than 0.1%, in case of ep elastic scattering the best precision which has been achieved is of the order of few percent. Different sources of possible systematic errors to the muonic experiment have been discussed, however no definite explanation of this difference has been given yet (see Ref.[4] and References therein).Recent works have been devoted to the scattering of a proton projectile on an electron target (see Ref.[5] and references therein). The possibility to build beam polarimeters for high-energy polarized (anti)proton beams has been shown [6]. Experiments have been done [7,8], and are ongoing with the aim to understand the experimental fact that a proton beam circulating through a polarized hydrogen target gets polarized [9]. The possibility to polarize antiprotons beams would open a wide domain of polarization studies at the GSI facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) [10,11]. Assuming C-invariance in electromagnetic interactions, the (elastic and inelastic) reactions p + e − andp + e + are strictly equivalent.In Ref.[5], the cross section and the polarization observables for proton electron elastic scattering, in a relativistic approach assuming the Born approximation, was derived. The relations connecting kinematical variables in direct and inverse kinematics were given. In particular, it was shown that large polarization effects appear at beam energies around 15 GeV. Moreover the transferred momenta are very small even when the proton energy is in the GeV range. In this work we focus on the second issue and apply to the problem of a precise and consistent determination of the proton radius. The kinematics of proton-electron scattering is extremely peculiar and interesting in this respect. In the elastic interaction between a proton and an electron, assuming that the interaction occurs th...