Reactions with radioactive nuclear beams at relativistic energies have opened new doors to clarify the mechanisms of stellar evolution and cataclysmic events involving stars and during the big bang epoch. Numerous nuclear reactions of astrophysical interest cannot be assessed directly in laboratory experiments. Ironically, some of the information needed to describe such reactions, at extremely low energies (e.g., keVs), can only be studied on Earth by using relativistic collisions between heavy ions at GeV energies. In this contribution, we make a short review of experiments with relativistic radioactive beams and of the theoretical methods needed to understand the physics of stars, adding to the knowledge inferred from astronomical observations. We continue by introducing a more detailed description of how the use of relativistic radioactive beams can help to solve astrophysical puzzles and several successful experimental methods. State-of-the-art theories are discussed at some length with the purpose of helping us understand the experimental results reported. The review is not complete and we have focused most of it to traditional methods aiming at the determination of the equation of state of symmetric and asymmetric nuclear matter and the role of the symmetry energy. Whenever possible, under the limitations of our present understanding of experimental data and theory, we try to pinpoint the information still missing to further understand how stars evolve, explode, and how their internal structure might be. We try to convey the idea that in order to improve microscopic theories for many-body calculations, nuclear structure, nuclear reactions, and astrophysics, and in order to constrain and allow for convergence of our understanding of stars, we still need considerable improvements in terms of accuracy of experiments and the development of new and dedicated nuclear facilities to study relativistic reactions with radioactive beams.