Abstract.An extended study of exclusive vector meson production in ep interactions has been performed by the H1 and the ZEUS collaborations at the HERA collider. Recent measurements are reported and discussed within the framework of the dipole model and pQCD.
I INTRODUCTIONThe sharp rise of the electromagnetic proton structure function, F 2 , toward low values of Bjorken x, discovered at HERA [1,2], and the observation of a large fraction of diffractive-like events [3,4] are attributed to a large gluon density in the proton at very low x values, typically x < 0.01. The rise of F 2 with decreasing x can be accommodated by the QCD, DGLAP evolution equations [5] in NLO down to momentum transfer squared Q 2 ≃ 1 GeV 2 [6,7]. This suggests that perturbative effects set in at relatively low values of the interaction scale. However, the validity of the DGLAP evolution equation is established through fits to data which involve many unknown parameters and therefore it may be doubtful. Exclusive vector meson (V) production at high Q 2 has been proposed as an alternative method to infer the gluon content of the proton [8].High energy elastic V production in Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) may be described, in the rest frame of the proton, by the fallowing sequence of happenings [9]. The incoming lepton emits a virtual photon, which subsequently fluctuates into a qq pair. The life time of such a quark pair fluctuation is long enough so that it is the pair that elastically scatters off the proton and evolves, long after the interaction, into a V state. The character of the interaction of the qq pair with the proton depends on the transverse momenta of the pair. If the transverse momentum is large, the spatial transverse separation between the quarks is small and it forms a color dipole, whose interaction with the proton may be calculated perturbatively [10]. The leading process is two gluon exchange. If the transverse momentum is small, the color dipole is large and perturbative calculations do not apply. In this case the interaction looks similar to hadron-hadron elastic scattering and the process should proceed through Pomeron exchange as expected from Regge phenomenology [11].The qq wave function of the virtual photon depends on the polarization of the virtual photon. For longitudinally polarized photons, small transverse size qq dominate. The opposite is true for transversely polarized photons. The attractive features of elastic V production is that, at high Q 2 , the longitudinal component of the virtual photon dominates. The interaction cross section for the latter can be, in principle, fully calculated in perturbative QCD. Moreover, for heavy vector mesons, like the J/Ψ or the Υ, perturbative calculations apply even at Q 2 = 0, as the smallness of the dipole is guaranteed by the mass of the quarks.Independently of particular calculations [12,13], in the region dominated by perturbative QCD, the following features are predicted:• the total γ ⋆ p → V p cross section, σ γ ⋆ p→V p , exhibits a steep rise with W , the photo...