To meet the requirements of 5G high capacity optical metro networks, a programmable disaggregated multi-dimensional sliceable bandwidth/bitrate variable transceiver (S-BVT) is proposed. Specifically, transceiver multi-dimensionality is presented exploiting spatial, polarization and spectral information as a solution to support network capacity and bandwidth scaling 5G requirements. Space division multiplexing is implemented by considering a 19-core multicore fiber (MCF) enabling capacity scaling with the number of cores. Whereas polarization division multiplexing (PDM) is assessed enabling 50% spectral saving by considering two orthogonal polarization components. Finally, by the implementation of multi-band transmission systems the optical bandwidth can be increased by a factor of 10, compared to a conventional C-band system. In this last two cases, the existing spectrum and network infrastructure can be reused bringing new capabilities. In particular, in this work multi-band transmission is assessed by exploiting C-band and L-band. Additionally, disaggregation is also addressed at the transceiver level in order to enhance network flexibility, avoiding vendor lock-in, while achieving efficiency and cost reduction. Disaggregation enables assembling open components, devices and sub-systems into optical infrastructures and networks. On the other hand, the adoption of the software defined networking (SDN) paradigm enables system/network programmability and reconfigurability promoting an efficient use of the multi-dimensional network resources. Therefore, in this work, we analyze and experimentally demonstrate different S-BVT advanced functionalities suitable to support stringent network requirements of 5G. These capabilities include rate/distance adaptability, programmability/configurability, disaggregation and multi-dimensionality. Different network scenarios have been considered to assess the S-BVT functionalities, enabling Tb/s optical transmission.