In the COMPASS Drell-Yan experiment the pion beam with momentum of 190 GeV/c and intensity up to 10 8 pions/s will interact with transversely polarized proton target producing muon pair via Drell-Yan process. The solid-state NH 3 will be polarized by dynamic nuclear polarization. Maximum polarization reached during data taking is expected to be up to 90%. The non-interacting beam and other particles produced inside the target will be stopped in the hadron absorber after the target. Two target cells, sepparated by a 20 cm gap in between, each 55 cm long and 4 cm in diameter give the target material volume about 691 cm 3. The target platform needs to be moved by 2.3 m in upstream direction from the position used in previous experiments in order to accomodate the absorber. During the beam time higher radiation is expected in the area of the control room. Thus a new target remote control system is needed. The target magnet is undergoing a substantial upgrade. Drell-Yan data taking is expected to start in 2014-2015 for period of approximately 180 days. Current status of the target, the required modifications and future plans are presented.