The importance of polarized light microscopy (PLM) for the study of the domains and phase transitions of fe rroelectric a nd ferroelastic single crystals is pin-pointed and the e xperimental set-ups for observations and me as ure ments between 4 and 1600K are outlined. The contrast formation between domains by spontaneous birefringence and reciprocal rotatory power in transmission. and by bireOectance. specular reflection and e tchin g in re flec ted light are co ns ide re d. A s ymme try classificati o n for th e birefringe nce and rotatory power contras t formation is proposed. The use of PLM for ceramic materials e ncounters difficulties, whic h can be overcome hy e nhancing grain g rowth and re ducing sources o f light scattering. So me e xamples are give n, demonstratin g the great powe r of PLM , if used in conjunction with other physical measurements.
~'"""1 IntroductionFerroe lectrics and other materials with phase transiti ons split up into "domains" (Brezina et al. , 1989) upon passage to the low s ymmetry phase. The ir identificati on and the s tudy of their optical properties by polarized light mic rosc opy (PLM) is the main subject o f this contribution. The resolution o f a light microscope is in the mos t favourable case of the order of half a wavelength of light, whe re as with a high resolution e lectron microscope o ne c an see ranges of atom s, incommensurabilities and many mo re Enc de tail, including do mains and domain wa lls.Info rm ati on on the bulk and anisotropy properties may, however, getlosL Fortunately there exists a resolution ran ge, spanning from about half a microme ter to the resolution of the bare human eye (about l OO~m ) , which is most brilliantly covered for anisotropic crystals by the polarizing li ght microscope, permitting great pene tration depths in the trans mission regi me, unequaled in e lectron mic roscopy. For PLM s tudies the availability o f single crystals is o f utmos t importance.