Dynamical properties of relaxor ferroelectric 0.93Pb͑Zn 1/3 Nb 2/3 ͒O 3 -0.07PbTiO 3 single crystals have been studied by the broadband inelastic light scattering from gigahertz to terahertz frequency range. The longitudinal-and transverse-acoustic ͑LA and TA͒ phonon frequencies deviate below the Burns temperature T B = 736 K from a linear temperature dependence above T B , indicating the existence of polarization relaxations induced by the polar nanoregions ͑PNRs͒. On further cooling, a central peak ͑CP͒ which originates from the relaxations in the PNRs is observed clearly below 600 K Ͻ T B . The CP width decreases markedly down to T ء = 499 K and the change in the CP width becomes mild below T ء . The slower ͑ϳ10 −12 s͒ and faster ͑ϳ10 −13 s͒ relaxation times determined by the CP show good agreement with the relaxation times determined by TA and LA phonons, respectively. 180°and non-180°͑71°and 109°͒ polarization flippings are allowed in the PNRs with the polar rhombohedral symmetry. Considering the piezoelectric coupling in a PNR, it is suggested that 180°flipping is related to the relaxation observed in LA phonon, while non-180°flipping is related to that in TA phonon.