Polarization switching in gain-guided, vertical-cavity, surface-emitting lasers was studied as a function of the active region temperature. We show that polarization switching occurs even when the active region temperature is kept constant during fast pulse low duty cycle operation. This temperature independent polarization switching phenomenon is explained in terms of a recently developed model. © 1997 American Institute of Physics. ͓S0003-6951͑97͒00725-0͔The optical and electrical properties of vertical cavity surface emitting lasers ͑VCSELs͒: single-longitudinal mode emission, low-threshold current, low-divergence circular output beam, make these devices attractive for applications such as optical-fiber and free-space communications, optical recording, etc. Although VCSELs often show stable linear polarization emission with the vector field preferentially oriented along one of two orthogonal directions associated with the crystal axes, 1 a drawback of many VCSELs is a polarization instability, known as polarization switching ͑PS͒, which occurs as the injection current is increased close beyond the lasing threshold.2 A better understanding of the mechanisms which influence the polarization dynamics in VCSELs may lead to improved performance for polarization-sensitive applications such as optical switching.An explanation for polarization switching in VCSELs has been offered by Choquette et al. 3 based on the fact that self heating of the devices by the injected current changes the relative spectral alignment between the laser gain and the cavity resonances of nondegenerate polarization states. An additional mechanism for polarization state selection arises from the difference in the population of the magnetic sublevels of the conduction and heavy-hole valence bands in a quantum-well VCSELs. 4 This population difference is annihilated by spin-flip relaxation processes in a time scale of tens of picoseconds, 5 which is comparable to the photon lifetime and thus slow enough to have an important effect on the dynamics. Within the framework of a theory including magnetic sublevels, 6,7 PS is expected as the injection current is scanned above the lasing threshold, even when the gain difference between the linearly polarized modes ͑active region temperature͒ is kept constant.In this letter we report a systematic study of the temperature dependent polarization switching behavior which can be observed during single mode emission in gain-guided vertical-cavity surface emitting lasers. To discriminate between the effects produced by changes in the pump current ͑and the associated changes in the nonlinear coupling of the field and the carrier number through gain and dispersion͒ and those produced by changes in the current-induced self heating we have taken advantage of the relatively slow time scale of thermal effects. 8 We first performed continuous wave ͑cw͒ experiments using a current ramp duration of a few seconds that gives the temperature time to stabilize for each value of the pump current and dissipated power. We...