AbStracrWe measured the total ionization asymmetry A in dependence on the incident electron energy E Here 'total' refers to integration over all emission angles and energy partitions of the outgoing electrons. From a threshold value of A=0.125 the A ( € ) curve rises smoothly toward a broad maximum of A,, = 0.31 at E,, = 8.3 eV. The fall-off towards higher energies is quite similar to that of the other one-electron atoms. However, it shows a structure which can be explained by contributions from autoionizing P states.Bartschat has made a theoretical estimate of A ( € ) for various atoms. At low energies the agreement with OUT data is satisfactory, at higher energies the experimental A values are considerably smaller than the thedretical ones. In the threshold region measurements were performed with small electron energy width (0.1 eV). No smctllre in the A ( € ) curve was found. The slope at threshold was determined as dA/dE =(0.136+0.005) eV-'.