On the basis of absorption spectroscopy data the temperature evolution of Cu 2þ ion environment in the layered compounds (C n H 2nþ1 NH 3 ) 2 CuCl 4 (n ¼ 2, 3) was studied. For the detailed analysis of experimental data the special program package CrysTool 1.0 based on quantum mechanical models using normalized spherical harmonics (NSH) has been created. It has been found that both crystals contain tetragonally distorted octahedral metal-halogen complexes and that the degree of distortion is less pronounced in the low-temperature phases. The phase transitions (PTs) in both compounds were found to be connected with gradual ordering of the organic cations at cooling. For (C 2 H 5 NH 3 ) 2 CuCl 4 the parameters of crystal field, normalized spherical harmonics, and angular overlap model as well as the metal-halogen distances show jump-like anomalies at the points of PTs (T 1 ¼ 364 K and T 2 ¼ 356 K, at heating), whereas a continuous change was observed at T 3 ¼ 330 K.Na osnovanii dannyh absorbcionnoj spektroskopii issledovana temperaturna¾ +volˇci¾ okruweni¾ iona Cu 2þ v sloistyh soedineni¾h (C n H 2nþ1 NH 3 ) 2 CuCl 4 (n ¼ 2, 3). Dl¾ detal#nogo analiza +ksperimental#nyh rezul#tatov sozdan special#nyj programmnyj paket CrysTool 1.0, baziruˇ §ijs¾ na kvantovo-mehaniqeskih model¾h, v pervuǒ qered#, na modeli normirovannyh sferiqeskih garmonik (NSG). Obnaruweno, qto oba kristalla soderwat tetragonal#no deformirovannye okta+driqeskie metal-galogennye kompleksy i stepen# distorsii menee vyrawena v nizkotemperaturnyh fazah. Pokazano, qto fazovye perehody (FP) v obeih soedineni¾h sv¾zany s postepennym upor¾doqeniem organiqeskih kationov pri ohlawdenii. Dl¾ (C 2 H 5 NH 3 ) 2 CuCl 4 parametry kristalliqeskogo pol¾, normirovannyh sferiqeskih garmonik, modeli uglovogo perekryvani¾ tak we, kak i metall-galogennye rassto¾ni¾ preterpevaˇt skaqkoobraznye anomalii v toqkah FP (T 1 ¼ 364 K i T 2 ¼ 356 K, pri nagreve), v to vrem¾ kak nepreryvna¾ anomali¾ obnaruwena pri T 3 ¼ 330 K.