In order to assess the extent of X-ray anisotropy in biaxial minerals, Fe XANES spectra were acquired on single crystals of pyroxenes, amphiboles, and micas with the X-ray beam polarized along the X, Y, and Z optical orientations. Specifically, single crystals of enstatite (En), augite (Aug), aegirine (Ae), kaersutite (Krs; three different compositions), dioctahedral (Ms and Ill), and trioctahedral (Ann and Phl) micas were selected. Each crystal was oriented morphologically and with the aid of EXCALIBR using a spindle stage equipped polarized light microscope, and their XANES spectra were acquired at beamline X26a, NSLS, using a special geometry of the beam to accommodate the goniometer head and a 20 ϫ 30 m X-ray beam. As would be expected from visible and IR spectra of these minerals, the intensity of both pre-edge and main edge peaks is variable as a function of orientation. Structural similarities among these mineral groups result in similarities among their XANES spectra. Spectra acquired along the length of the chains (c for pyroxene, c for amphibole, and a for sheet silicates) are similar, with corresponding changes in the optical directions, such that Y dioct ≈ Z trioct ≈ Z Krs ≈ Z En ≈ X Ae (clinopyroxene is intermediate). Spectra taken along the b crystallographic axes (along the layer of octahedra, across the I-beam) are similar for all groups (Z dioct ≈ Y trioct ≈ Y Krs ≈ X En ≈ Y Aug ), and more similar for the amphiboles and micas. Lastly, spectra acquired along the stacking direction, which is the a crystallographic direction for pyroxene and amphiboles and the c crystallographic direction in sheet silicates, are analogous. From these relationships, assignment of specific transitions to individual features in XANES spectra are facilitated. Furthermore, errors on use of pre-edge positions for determination of Fe 3+ /⌺Fe in minerals can be better constrained.Keywords: XANES, XAS, single crystal, enstatite, augite, aegirine, kaersutite, annite, phlogopite, illite, muscovite, estimate of ferric iron. pourrait s'y attendre d'après les spectres de ces minéraux en lumière visible et infra-rouge, l'intensité des pics pré-seuil et seuil principal est variable selon l'orientation. Les ressemblances structurales parmi ces groupes de minéraux résultent de ressemblances dans les spectres XANES. Les spectres acquis le long des chaînes (c dans le cas de pyroxènes et des amphiboles, et a dans le cas de silicates en feuillets) sont semblables, compte tenu des changements des directions optiques, de sorte que Y dioct ≈ Z trioct ≈ Z Krs ≈ Z En ≈ X Ae (le clinopyroxène est intermédiaire). Les spectres prélevés le long de l'axe b (le long de la couche d'octaèdres, transversalement aux modules en I) sont semblables pour tous les groupes (Z dioct ≈ Y trioct ≈ Y Krs ≈ X En ≈ Y Aug ), et le sont davantage pour les amphiboles et les micas. Enfin, les spectres acquis le long de la direction d'empilement, le long de l'axe a dans le cas des pyroxènes et des amphiboles et le long de l'axe c dans le cas des silicates en ...