We present ab initio calculations of the nonresonant Raman spectra of zigzag and armchair BN nanotubes. In comparison, we implement a generalized bond-polarizability model where the parameters are extracted from first-principles calculations of the polarizability tensor of a BN sheet. For light polarization along the tube axis, the agreement between model and ab initio spectra is almost perfect. For perpendicular polarization, depolarization effects have to be included in the model in order to reproduce the ab initio Raman intensities. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.71.241402 PACS number͑s͒: 78.30.Ϫj, 78.20.Bh, 81.07.De, 71.15.Mb Besides its success in the characterization of a large range of materials, 1 Raman spectroscopy has also developed into an invaluable tool for the characterization of nanotubes. Since the first characterization of ͑disordered͒ carbon nanotube ͑CNT͒ samples, 2 the technique has been refined, including, e.g., polarized Raman studies of aligned nanotubes 3 and isolated tubes. 4 On the theoretical side, nonresonant Raman intensities of CNTs have been calculated within the bondpolarizability model. 5,6 The empirical parameters of this model are adapted to fit experimental Raman intensities of fullerenes and hydrocarbons. However, the transferability of the parameters and the quantitative performance in nanotubes, in particular distinguishing between metallic and semiconducting tubes, is still not clear.In this Rapid Communication, we report on the Raman spectra of boron nitride nanotubes ͑BNNTs͒. 7,8 Recently, synthesis of BNNTs in gram quantities has been reported. 9 Their characterization through Raman and infrared spectroscopy is expected to play an important role. However, due to difficulties with the sample purification no experimental data on contamination-free samples has been reported. Ab initio 10 and empirical 11,12 phonon calculations have determined the position of the peaks in the spectra. However, due to missing bond-polarizability parameters for BN, the Raman intensities have been so far addressed using the model bondpolarizability parameters of carbon. 12 Only the intensities of high-frequency modes were presented, as it was argued that the intensity of low-frequency modes are very sensitive to the bond-polarizability values. 12 Here, we derive the polarizability parameters for BN sp 2 bonds from a single hexagonal BN sheet by calculating the polarizability tensor and its variation under deformation. We compare the resulting spectra for BNNTs with full ab initio calculations. We derive conclusions about the general applicability of the bondpolarizability model for semiconducting CNTs.In nonresonant first-order Raman spectra, peaks appear at the frequencies of the optical phonons with null wave vectors. The intensities I are given in the Placzek approximation 1 as͑1͒Here e i ͑e s ͒ is the polarization of the incident ͑scattered͒ light and n = ͓exp͑ប / k B T͒ −1͔ −1 with T being the temperature. The Raman tensor A iswhere w k␥ is the kth Cartesian component of atom ␥ of the th ortho...