The differential pulse olarography technique (DPP) has been utilized to study the behaviour of indole-2-hydroxamic acid (2-IHA). %is is a novel hydroxamic acid synthesized for us which exhibits properties as a ligand of metallic species. This Ii and may enhance the determination of many trace metals using analytical techniques such as HPLC and D%P but first the roperties of this li and were studied. This reagent gives rise to one cathodic wave with an Ep value of -0, ! 6 V. versus A /A %I at pH 0.92. The principal characteristics of this wave have been stu8ief and the possible mechanisms for the electrode process proposed.Under optimum conditions the limit of detection is ~x I O -~ M.
INTRODUCTIONIn analytical chemistry the study of the polarographic behaviour of organic compounds is interesting in relation to structural analysis and evaluation of the electrochemical processes. The aim of the work described in this paper is to contribute to the knowledge of the electrochemical properties of 2-IHA. We carried out in our laboratory the synthesis of 2-IHA and we conducted some research working about spectrophotometric properties and reactivity of 2-IHA with metal ions.This reagent has one electrochemically active group. In general, for this type of compounds, the cathodic wave appears at very negative potentials.Electrochemical reduction of 2-IHA results in one cathodic wave at -0,96 V at pH 0.92. In this paper