Several authors 1 l have examined nonleptonic baryon decays in the light of the .SU(6) theory. They have obtained good relations consistent with experiments for parity-violating amplitudes, but obtained unsatisfactory results for parity-conserving amplitudes. On the other hand, SU (3) and R or RP invariance seem to explain experiments of nonleptonic baryon decays which were discussed previously. 2 l,al Therefore it is interesting to apply RP invariance to nonleptonic baryon decays in SU(6). We assume that parity-violating and parity-conserving interactions transform as (8, 1) and (8, 3) members of the 35-dimensional representations, respectively, and also assume that weak interactions are CP invariant. 56-dimensional baryons may be described by a mixture of tensors BaPr and BaPro which are symmetric with respect to the indices a, {3 and r. *l These tensors are reducible under SU(3)@SU(2) and are expressed, in the rest frame, in terms of spin wave functions and SU (3) tensors,*l Strictly speaking, the other octet b' 8 should be adopted in BaPr, and baryon octet is a mixure of two octets; M+b'l]. Because of SU(6) invariance, there appears no interference between two octets. Therefore, the ansatz of Eq. (1) is correct.Here x 1 and x 1 J' stand for spin -1/2 and -3/2 wave functions, respectively, bf, is the octet tensor, dABa is the decuplet tensor, and x is the eigenfunction of the baryon-number operator corresponding to the baryon number one. In order to restore RP invariance in quark model, we introduce (another) set N' of quarks besides the usual set N. The members of N contribute to BaPr and the members of N' contribute to BaPr· Each member of N' should have Q and Y with opposite sign to those of the corresponding member of N, but it has the same baryon number. Then RP invariant interactions, which are of derivative type in relativistic form, are expressed as follows: (We only write down the terms which contribute to pionic decays of hyperons.) Hp.v. =A1BaP(3, mlM 1 ( 2 ,m) ,BaPr -AlJ3aPrM 1 / 2 ·'"')BaP(3, m) + A2BaP(3, m)MIP P1 BaPI(2.m) -A2JiaPI(2.m) M~,P BaP(3o m) + h.c., Hp. 6 .=BJJ,xPC3 0 m)M( 2 .ml,BaPr + BJJaPr Mi2,m) BaP(3, m) + B2BaP(3, m)MP p' BaPI(2,m) + B 2J3aPI( 2 ,m) Mp1p BaP(3, m) + h.c.,(2) where (we neglect q 2 /(mf+Ef) compared with m, where m is the meson energy). **J We define the upper and lower tensor suffixes as follows.P.ttB=PBA=PIJt, d;l=dij= djj.