We study the pole-skipping phenomenon of the boundary field theory dual to Jackiw-Teitelboim(JT) gravity with a minimally coupled massive scalar field. In contrast to the higher dimensional models, there is no momentum degree of freedom in (1 + 1)−dimensional bulk theory. Thus, we consider a scalar field mass as our degree of freedom for the pole-skipping phenomenon instead of momentum. The pole-skipping frequencies of the scalar field in 2D gravity are the same as higher dimensional cases: ω = −i2πT n for positive integer n. At each of these frequencies, there is a corresponding pole-skipping mass, so the pole-skipping points exist in the (ω, m) space. We also compute the pole-skipping points of the SYK model in (ω, h) space where h is the dimension of the bilinear primary operator. We find that there is a one-to-one correspondence of the pole skipping points between the JT gravity and the SYK model.