The state must provide job opportunities for all its citizens, because all citizens have the right to a decent life and their rights must be protected. However, in Indonesia there are still few available job opportunities, so many Indonesians choose to work abroad or can be referred to as Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI). This requires the cooperation of the relevant agencies to provide protect every Indonesian citizen who will work abroad. For some cases, the Indonesian government cannot provide the legal protection towards the PMI as the data is not available or accurate to monitor the numbers of PMI on that country. This is because there is no center for PMI protection in the country of placement. The type of research used in this research is the Normative Legal Research Method. Normative Legal Normative legal research is a process to find a rule of law, legal principles, and legal doctrines in order to answer legal issues that are being discussed or raised. The sending of PMI to the country of placement is still not accompanied by a strong and comprehensive protection system, which can help overcome the problems of PMI and their families in all activities before, during and after work. The weak protection system for Indonesian Migrant Workers can result in opportunities for human trafficking practices as well as an increase in cases of violence, which mostly occur against women. As a better effort to protect Indonesian Migrant Workers, the Government can establish the provision of PMI protection centers in each country of placement. This has also been mentioned in Article 26 letter g of Law Number 59 of 2021 which states that the Central Government and/or Regional Governments are obliged to carry out social protection for CPMI and PMI through the provision of PMI protection centers in the country of placement destination. This entire article will review the importance of protection centers in the country of placement for migrant workers.