Data on the reaction γp → K + Λ from the CLAS experiments are used to derive the leading multipoles, E0+, M1−, E1+, and M1+, from the production threshold to 2180 MeV in 24 slices of the invariant mass. The four multipoles are determined without any constraints. The multipoles are fitted using a multichannel L + P model which allows us to search for singularities and to extract the positions of poles on the complex energy plane in an almost model-independent method. The multipoles are also used as additional constraints in an energy-dependent analysis of a large body of pion and photo-induced reactions within the Bonn-Gatchina (BnGa) partial wave analysis. The study confirms the existence of poles due to nucleon resonances with spin-parity J P = 1/2 − ; 1/2 + , and 3/2 + in the region at about 1.9 GeV."Three quarks for Muster Mark" [1]. This sentence inspired Gell-Mann [2] to call quarks the three constituents of nucleons, of protons or neutrons. As a three-body system, the nucleon is expected to exhibit a large number of excitation modes. The most comprehensive predictions of the resonance excitation spectrum stem from quark-model calculations [3]-[8]; this predicted spectrum is qualitatively confirmed by recent Lattice QCD calculations [9], even though the quark masses used lead to a pion mass of 396 MeV. The predicted resonances may decay into a large variety of different decay modes. The most easily accessible was, for a long time, the πN decay of nucleon excitations by studying π ± p elastic scattering and the π − p → π 0 n charge exchange reaction. A large amount of data were analyzed by the groups at Karlsruhe-Helsinki (KH) [10], Carnegie-Mellon (CM) [11] and at GWU [12]. Real and imaginary parts of partial waves amplitudes with defined spin and parity (J P ) were extracted in slices of the πN invariant mass, and resonant contributions were identified. However, only a small fraction of the predicted energy levels has been observed experimentally, and for some of them, the evidence for their existence is only fair or even poor [13,14].The small number of observed excitations of the nucleon, as compared to quark model calculations, led to a number of speculations: Are nucleon resonances quarkdiquark oscillations with quasi-stable diquarks [15][16][17][18][19]) ? Are resonances generated by meson-baryon interactions [20][21][22][23][24][25], and are quarks and gluons misleading as degrees of freedom to interpret the excitation spectrum ? Does the mass-degeneracy of high-mass baryon resonances with positive and negative-parity hadron resonances indicate the onset of a new regime in which chiral symmetry is restored [26][27][28] ? At low excitation energy, chiral symmetry is strongly violated as indicated by the large mass gap between the nucleon mass (with spinparity J P = 1/2 + ) and its chiral partner N (1535) with [36]. The resonances stem from energydependent fits to the data. The resonances and the background contributions in all partial waves need to be determined in a single step. New data on γp → K +...