Let π be the automorphic representation of GSp 4 (A) generated by a full level cuspidal Siegel eigenform that is not a Saito-Kurokawa lift, and τ be an arbitrary cuspidal, automorphic representation of GL 2 (A). Using Furusawa's integral representation for GSp 4 × GL 2 combined with a pullback formula involving the unitary group GU(3, 3), we prove that the L-functions L(s, π × τ) are "nice". The converse theorem of Cogdell and Piatetski-Shapiro then implies that such representations π have a functorial lifting to a cuspidal representation of GL 4 (A). Combined with the exterior-square lifting of Kim, this also leads to a functorial lifting of π to a cuspidal representation of GL 5 (A). As an application, we obtain analytic properties of various L-functions related to full level Siegel cusp forms. We also obtain special value results for GSp 4 × GL 1 and GSp 4 × GL 2 .