The article is devoted to traffic control with the use of vehicles. Control over road users is a very effective area of activity of the Patrol Police Department, which allows to quickly influence the traffic process and the behavior of its participants. That is, the patrol police directly monitors traffic in Ukraine. The effectiveness of control largely depends on the forms and methods of its implementation. According to most experts, the reduction in accidents is due to a number of national measures, among which an important place is to improve the rules establishing liability for violations of traffic rules. The purpose of the study – the article considers the issue of car – phantom patrol in a more “understandable” aspect, namely: the implementation of specialized police cars without special external control over compliance with road users in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Road Traffic”. Methodology. The research is based on the dialectical-materialist method of scientific knowledge of social and legal phenomena, as well as general and special methods of legal science, namely: system-structural, comparative-legal, logical-legal (dogmatic), statistical. The scientific novelty of the study is to prove a particularly acute issue in the fight against traffic safety in the field of specialized vehicles – “phantoms”. Legislation on road safety has played a positive role in the last five years. The state of accidents in the state has stabilized, the level of discipline of road users has relatively increased. However, the problem of traffic safety remains unresolved. Experience with the implementation of traffic policy shows that the implementation of preventive measures is successful when the methods of persuasion are supported by legal norms that establish responsibility, an adequate degree of public danger of traffic violations. Conclusions. Regarding the introduction of fixation of traffic violations by specialized cars – “phantoms”, it should be noted that this should be preceded by extensive outreach among citizens and especially among drivers. Therefore, it is desirable to organize explanatory work of patrol police chiefs in the media. As a result, all this will lead to an atmosphere of understanding among drivers about the need and legitimacy of the use of this form of control in the work of the patrol police of Ukraine. The main purpose of the introduction of specialized vehicles – “phantoms” – is to identify and eliminate from the process of traffic drivers who have committed serious violations that directly affect the occurrence of road accidents. Therefore, timely control is the key to road safety and saved lives.