“…Although a significant number of studies find trade policy substitution between tariffs and NTMs, this finding is sometimes weak and found mostly for developing countries. Further a number of studies identify a heterogeneous relationship determined by country or product characteristics (Beverelli, Boffa, & Keck, ; Bown & Tovar, ; Broda, Limão, & Weinstein, ; Feinberg & Reynolds, ; Herghelegiu, ; Kee, Nicita, & Olarreaga, ; Ketterer, ; Limão & Tovar, ; Moore & Zanardi, ; Orefice, ; Ronen, ; WTO, ). Indeed, a few studies identify a significant complementary relationship between the two trade policy instruments (Dean, Signoret, Feinberg, Ludema, & Ferrantino, ; Goldberg & Pavcnik, ; Lee & Swagel, ; Trefler, ).…”