A 3 poly(A) tail is a common feature of picornavirus RNA genomes and the RNA genomes of many other positive-strand RNA viruses. We examined the manner in which the homopolymeric poly(A) and poly(U) portions of poliovirus (PV) positive-and negative-strand RNAs were used as reciprocal templates during RNA replication. Poly(A) sequences at the 3 end of viral positive-strand RNA were transcribed into VPg-linked poly(U) products at the 5 end of negative-strand RNA during PV RNA replication. Subsequently, VPg-linked poly(U) sequences at the 5 ends of negative-strand RNA templates were transcribed into poly(A) sequences at the 3 ends of positive-strand RNAs. The homopolymeric poly(A) and poly(U) portions of PV RNA products of replication were heterogeneous in length and frequently longer than the corresponding homopolymeric sequences of the respective viral RNA templates. The data support a model of PV RNA replication wherein reiterative transcription of homopolymeric templates ensures the synthesis of long 3 poly(A) tails on progeny RNA genomes.Many positive-strand RNA viruses (e.g., members of the Picornavirales, Nidovirales, Togaviridae, Caliciviridae, and Astroviridae) have long poly(A) sequences at the 3Ј termini of their RNA genomes (16,25), yet the mechanisms by which 3Ј poly(A) sequences are derived during viral replication are unclear. Picornavirus RNA genomes, including that of poliovirus (PV), have a covalently linked 5Ј-terminal protein called VPg (viral protein, genome linked), a 5Ј untranslated region (UTR), a single large open reading frame, a 3Ј UTR, and a poly(A) tail of variable length (ϳ20 to 150 adenosine residues) (1). RNA polymerases encoded by viruses in the order Picornavirales utilize viral proteins (and their nucleotidylylated intermediates) to prime the initiation of RNA replication at the 3Ј termini of viral RNA templates (28,29,31,34). In this mechanism, the viral protein VPg becomes covalently linked to the 5Ј ends of both positive-and negative-strand RNAs during viral RNA replication (30, 32). PV, which is commonly studied to elucidate mechanisms of picornavirus replication, is viable when the 3Ј UTR of the genome is deleted (12, 44); however, the 3Ј poly(A) tail is essential for RNA replication (33, 39). The length of the 3Ј poly(A) tail required for virus viability and for efficient negative-strand RNA synthesis has been examined in some detail (35,45). PV RNAs with 3Ј poly(A) tails less than 9 bases long support less than 1% of wild-type negative-strand RNA synthesis, whereas poly(A) tails Ն20 bases long support wild-type levels of negative-strand RNA synthesis (35).In this investigation, we programmed PV RNAs with defined 3Ј 84-, 51-, and 32-base poly(A) sequences [designated poly(A) (84) , poly(A) (51) , and poly(A) (32) , respectively] into cell-free reactions that faithfully reconstitute all of the metabolic steps of viral mRNA translation (11,22,23) and viral RNA replication (5, 7, 27). A significant advantage of this experimental system is the ability to study one cycle of seq...