We study the complexities of isometry and isomorphism classes of separable Banach spaces in the Polish spaces of Banach spaces recently introduced and investigated by the authors in [14]. We obtain sharp results concerning the most classical separable Banach spaces.We prove that the infinite-dimensional separable Hilbert space is characterized as the unique separable infinite-dimensional Banach space whose isometry class is closed, and also as the unique separable infinite-dimensional Banach space whose isomorphism class is Fσ. For p ∈ [1, 2) ∪ (2, ∞), we show that the isometry classes of Lp[0, 1] and ℓp are G δ -complete sets and F σδ -complete sets, respectively. Then we show that the isometry class of c 0 is an F σδ -complete set.Additionally, we compute the complexities of many other natural classes of separable Banach spaces; for instance, the class of separable L p,λ+ -spaces, for p, λ ≥ 1, is shown to be a G δ -set, the class of superreflexive spaces is shown to be an F σδ -set, and the class of spaces with local Π-basis structure is shown to be a Σ 0 6 -set. The paper is concluded with many open problems and suggestions for a future research.