“…Besides these societal benefits, youth volunteering has also been associated with
personal gains in self-esteem (Conrad and Hedin
1982; Johnson et al 1998; Yogev and Ronen 1982), social skills (e.g.,
communication, leadership, and problem solving) (Celio et al, 2011; Conrad and Hedin,
1982), social capital (Flanagan et al,
2015), and academic motivation and performance (Celio, Durlak, and Dymnicki 2011; Conway, Amel, and Gerwien 2009). Moreover, some
exceptions notwithstanding (Helms, 2013;
Stukas et al, 1999; Warburton and Smith, 2003), researchers have reported
that required service can yield similar benefits as voluntary service, especially if
it is sustained and of high quality (Flanagan et al
2015; Hart et al 2007; Henderson et al 2007; Henderson, Brown, and Pancer 2012; Metz and Youniss 2003, 2005). …”