“… Notes: 1 Plus one independent. 2 The first set of figures for Cyprus refers to the Greek Cypriot cabinet, the second to the cabinet of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. 3 Plus four independents. 4 The Republic of Cyprus has a presidential system. The categorisation refers to the strength of the supporting parties of the government coalition in parliament. 5 Plus five independents. 6 Plus two independents. 7 Plus ten independents. 8 Erratum: The composition of the German cabinet reported in van Biezen and Katz (2006: 1025) and Bale and van Biezen (2007: 857) should have read: 16 members, 37.5 per cent women, with an average age of 54.5 and 55.5, respectively. For the corrected composition of Merkel I, see Poguntke in this volume. 9 The CDU and CSU have been counted as one party. 10 Plus three independents. 11 Plus six independents. 12 Plus eight independents.…”